Lancashire Wedding Venue Browsholme Hall

Lancashire Wedding Venue Browsholme Hall’s Romantic Grounds

Lancashire Wedding Venue Browsholme Hall – Last week Ray and I had the pleasure of photographing and filming in the beautiful grounds of Browsholme Hall and Tithe Barn. It was wonderful to see all the new developments. The tranquil lily pond for outdoor ceremonies being the latest addition.

If you haven’t ventured to this venue recently you may not realise they now have accommodation. In the form of glamping pods set with in a beautiful woodland glade. Breakfast is also available and served in the cart shed just a short stroll away.

The boating lake and boat house are still a favourite for brides and grooms. If you are planning to have some photos taken while rowing on the lake, it was suggested by Robert to perhaps arrange a trial rowing session before your wedding date. Specially if you haven’t rowed a boat or perhaps it’s been a while since you have.

Ray and I were lucky to have the permission to visit twice in one day. (thank you Amanda).
The morning we were shown around the grounds by Robert Parker. In the evening we had permission to roam around the grounds to our hearts content.

I wanted to pop back to Browsholme Hall later in the evening with the hope of some pretty light, for a more romantic feel to the grounds. The grounds didn’t disappoint there are so many secluded areas, intriguing aches, romantic seating area’s doorways and gates, we were spoilt for choice.

I’m so glad Ray was able to film too, a new venture for us which will be added to my wedding packages very soon. Photography can freeze a memory in a moment. Film has the added extra, the sound of birds singing and the babbling brook that meanders through the grounds at Browsholme. It’s such a shame we can’t share the sweet smell of the meadow flowers too.

Thank you  Amanda and Robert for our socially distancing visit
Kirsten and Ray xx
Browsholme Hall in JuneBrowsholm Hall accommodationGlamping pods at the tithe barn
The Cart Shed at Browsholme Hall and the Tithe Barn

The Woodland Glade Glamping area and the Cart Shed – Accommodation info here
Lily pond at Browsholme hallBrowsholme Hall outdoor ceremony areaNew Lily Pond at Browsholme Hall

The Lily pond a new addition to the grounds for outdoor ceremony’s there’s still a bit of work to do but you can tell it’s going to be a very romantic spot to say I do
It was also good to see the Lily pond at different times of day morning and early evening.

 Boating house and lake with surrounding woodlands

Browsholme Hall entranceBrowsholme Hall Italian Garden

The Italian Garden – Rose Garden – or Box hedge Garden

Here’s Ray’s video of Browsholme hall’s stunning grounds.

I feel he’s really captured the essence the sounds and feel. Something we have been working on during lockdown we are now offering wedding video along side photography… watch this space and give Ray a follow on Instagram to help him on his way Thank you 🙂 xx @walmsleyray

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