Lockdown Doorstep Portraits

Lockdown Doorstep Portraits

Oh it seems a while ago since my lovely doorstep people took part in my challenge. It’s crazy to think there’s over 100 of you!
So I thought I’d write a little blog and share a few photos.

Lockdown doorstep photos came about after seeing a few photographers in America doing porch photos at a social distance. Then my photography friend Gemma Suckley over in Yorkshire started photographing doorstep portraits. So I messaged her about the rules and jumped on the bandwagon. I’d been feeling lost, my whole world disappeared from under my feet in a flash, like many creatives. The doorstep portraits was a real blessing. I started with my friends and neighbours and slowly a buzz started to happen. More and more people jumped on the bandwagon happy to have their Lockdown Doorstep Portraits taken. I also felt so much better after meeting all you lovely doorsteppers. Specially with your lockdown stories, babies being born, special birthdays, anniversaries, key workers, working from home, still working, furloughed, DIYers, new family pets and simply enjoying time together to name just are few.

Each and everyone of you helped to make lockdown more bearable.

It was great to get out and walk around Clitheroe, including streets I didn’t know about, we also discovered a few new local walks too. Thanks to those of you who gave us directions.

Just a little bit of tech information from from me I decided to only use my 50mm lens and take all the photographs in portrait. Ray did his own thing I was super glad of his input it gave a little bit more variety-ish with the photos.

I’ve created a montage of all 100 of you who said yes to social media etc.  This image is on display at the platform galleries “Isolation art display” from August 1 to the 29th. If you would like your very own copy please subscribe to my newsletter here for your download JPEG.
Thank you all again for being part of my lockdown doorstep challenge. Now please can we have some sunshine back.
Best wishes Kirsten Ray xx

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